Recent Tenders
Extractive Sector Knowledge Transfer Incubator (ESKi Tanzania) Cohort 1
HakiRasilimali and MS-TCDC invites community based leaders and practitioners engaging in extractive sector to apply for a short course on Fundamentals of Community Led Advocacy in Mining, Oil and Gas. The course aims at nurturing
HakiRasilimali Newsletter Volume 3 , 2020 Edition
The 2020 newsletter features mostly HakiRasilimali engagements on COVID19 pandemic: Rethinking how the outbreak has had or will have potential economic impacts (short-mid and long term) on extractive sector; Mapping out existing response and mitigation
Towards an Industrial Economy: A compiled analysis of the Ministerial Budgets for the extractive sector in alignment to the implementation of the Five-Year Development Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21
Being cognizant of the sector’s significance to the country’s economy, HakiRasilimali, a platform with a leaning towards enhancing extractive sector transparency and accountability agenda has carried out an analysis of the budget trends for the
Call for Bid. Engendering the Mining Sector in Tanzania: To What Extent Are Women Benefiting or Loosing Out in Revenue Management?
HakiRasilimali (HR) is a platform of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) incorporated as a non-profit company working on strategic issues around minerals, oil and gas extraction in Tanzania envisaging to become more effective in influencing extractive industries related policies, laws practices in the country. The platform