The Tanzania Extractive Industries Conference- TEIC is the principle space for CSOs working on strategic issues around mining, oil and natural gas extraction with other relevant stakeholders meet to critically discuss, exchange experiences, and learn from one another in order to advance transparency and accountability agenda in extractive industries in Tanzania.
For the First time, the CSO- Tanzania Extractive Industries Conference was organized in 2011, whereby HakiRasilimali members led by the Interfaith Standing Committee with other like-minded organizations sat in Arusha to discuss various concerns affecting mining communities as a result of mining operations in Tanzania. This was followed by other conferences in 2012, 2013, 2014,2016 and this year 2017, all aiming at broadening information sharing, awareness creation and setting advocacy strategies on mining, oil and natural gas economies.
In light of the above, the 2017 conference (#TEIC2017) will provide an opportunity for networking among stakeholders and setting the stage for sharing information and building capacity on the current status of the extractive sector in Tanzania.
- To scrutinize the current status of the extractive sector-mining, oil and natural gas in Tanzania
- To promote a shared understanding of the evidence based potential economic and social contribution of mining, oil and gas sector in Tanzania.
- To stimulate collaboration and coordination that is required for effective natural resource governance and management in Tanzania.
Desired Outcomes:
- Increased informed policy dialogues and concrete interventions for effective participation of HakiRasilimali members and stakeholders in the sector.
- Increased pressure on the duty bearers to disclose reports, resource contracts and beneficial ownership of companies licensed to carry activities in Tanzania.
- Enhanced participation of civil society in ensuring accountability mechanisms for extractive industries in alignment with regional and international frameworks
Strengthen synergy among stakeholders for effective governance and management of natural resources in Tanzania