By |Published On: April 15, 2019|

The PWYP Global Assembly February 2019 was a resounding success and this would not have been possible without valuable participation from all PWYP member organisations.

Under the theme ‘People, Participation and Power’, around 250 PWYP members and partners gathered  to celebrate  successes and to define the next steps for the global campaign. Assembly highlights can be found through PWYP Global Assembly 2019, summarized in the attached report.  album of the event here.


  1. PWYP and its affiliates including HakiRasilimali  (as the Tanzania affiliations) are more determined and inspired  to make the extractives sector more open, accountable, sustainable, equitable and responsive, despite the many challenges PWYP members continue to face.
  2. In 2019 PWYP approved its new global strategic plan Global Strategy – Vision 2025