By |Published On: January 26, 2018|

IIED, in partnership with HakiRasilimali, ran a series of ‘thematic dialogues’ in September 2017. During these dialogues, participants from across Tanzania’s ASM sector discussed the various challenges it is facing, with a focus on suggesting solutions. Discussions included: how to promote profitable and productive ASM and linked businesses; how to support women’s participation in ASM; how to ensure the productive coexistence of ASM with other sectors, like agriculture and other land uses, maximizing cross-sectoral dependencies particularly for capital and labour; and how to address the tensions between large-scale and small-scale mining. Participants were tasked with identifying a range of solutions to specific challenges.

This paper shares the findings of those discussions and a long list of micro- and macro-level reforms that are needed to progress towards a Tanzanian ASM sector characterized by responsible practices that drives sustainable economic development.

Along with the findings from the Tanzanian ASM dialogue research and uni- and bi-stakeholder engagements, the results of these discussions should inform the Tanzanian ASM action dialogue by helping shape a road map for reform in the ASM sector in Tanzania. This should include a shared vision for reform across the multiple stakeholders, and identify clear roles and responsibilities for the next steps.

Thematic dialogue findings discussion paper