HakiRasilimali seeks to engage a qualified and competent external audit firm to perform its Annual Audit for the fiscal year 2025.
Contract Duration: 1 year
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Nature of Work: Consultancy Service
Auditing (ISA). The scope of the audit will include the necessary tests and controls deemed appropriate by the auditor, with special emphasis on the following areas:
Ensuring that donor funds have been utilized according to the terms and conditions outlined in the relevant funding agreements and exclusively for the intended purposes.
Verifying that goods and services were procured per the relevant funding agreements and HakiRasilimali’s operations and procurement manual.
Confirming that all required supporting documents, records, and accounts have been maintained as per the agreed donor contracts and the organization’s operations and financial manual.
Ensure that the organization’s accounts are prepared consistently according to IPSASs.
Assessing the organization’s internal control systems to confirm their effectiveness in managing resources in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies.
Terms of Reference: Key Duties and Responsibilities
The selected audit firm will be responsible for the following:
- Performing the audit on funds utilized from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, conducting a thorough audit of HakiRasilimali’s books of accounts to assess the proper utilization of funds across all programs.
- Conducting a sample-based audit with a minimum test coverage of 10% of the total funds disbursed.
- Assessing and reporting on the receipt and proper disbursement of donor funds.
- Ensuring that all HakiRasilimali funds have been utilized by the organization’s financial regulations and as per donor requirements.
Expected Outputs:
- An Independent Auditor’s Opinion Report on the financial statements.
- A Management Letter includes audit findings and recommendations related to the financial statements, internal controls, accounting systems, legal compliance, and other significant matters.
Key Qualifications and Experience:
Audit firms bidding for this tender must meet the following criteria:
- Proven experience in auditing Civil Society Organizations, with a track record of handling similar assignments.
- The firm must employ qualified auditors with relevant experience, specifically those engaged in full-time auditing work. The firm must provide a list of auditors assigned to this audit, including their bio-data.
- The firm must be registered with the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) and provide its NBAA registration number.
- The firm must demonstrate compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements governing external auditors in Tanzania.
How to Apply:
Interested firms are invited to submit the following documents:
A cover letter (maximum 200 words) indicating the tender being applied for, along with the following details:
Name of the Firm
Contact Person(s) and Authorized Signatories
Registered Address and Telephone Number
Name of the Chief Executive Officer
Legal Status of the Firm and Registration Number
Details of Partners (including names, qualifications, full-time or part-time status, age, and experience)
Number of Qualified Staff (CPA)
A list of similar assignments completed in the past five years
Organizational Chart
The proposed consultant fee for the assignment.
An updated Firm Profile.
Copy of TIN, Registration and Business licence
Submission Details:
All applications should be submitted no later than March 31, 2025, to the following email address:
finance@hakirasilimali.or.tz and copy coordinator@hakirasilimali.or.tz
Please note that HakiRasilimali will retain all application materials and will not return them. Only shortlisted firms will be contacted for further steps in the selection process.
Download the document below for more details.